
Site Categories

The categories in the download below have been used to identify the site. These are selected from drop down on the ‘add a site’ page. 




Small site Categories

Categories from Natural Englands Small Sites Metric. These are a simplified version of the Biodiversity Metric 3.0. It has been specifically been designed for use on small development sites.



Large site Categories

Categories from Natural Englands Biodiversity Metric 3.0. These categories are used or specified by any development project, consenting body or landowner. There can be used for any development.



UK Habitat Classifications

UK Habitat Classification (UKHab) is a comprehensive habitat classification system for the UK that has been developed to ensure ecologist can identify and map habitats in the field in a consistent and unified way and has been designed to provide outputs that are suitable for Ecological impact assessment and Habitat metrics. 



Site Feature Categories

The following site Features have been designed to ensure that online digital project replicates the physical site.